Hi, I am Kendall Pocock.

Photography has been part of my life for the last five years. What originally was a fun hobby, quickly became a passion of art! I love looking for those particular shots that are so unique, it makes you look at the world, the couple, or the moment in a way you may not have seen before.

This hobby has quickly become something that is a huge benefit to me and my sweet family! On top of taking pictures, I am wife to one incredibly handsome and hard working husband, and a mommy to three sweet kiddos who make my world go round.

I am a lover of music, nothing gets me like a good jam session in the car. I'm very outgoing and love meeting and getting to know people. A great Friday night is hanging out with my best friends and all of our kids. Nothing beats a good red velvet sugar cookie!

I'm thankful for this life I'm blessed with everyday and love capturing a person's whole world in a single moment that will last a lifetime. Thank you for being apart of this journey with me.